6 to 8 garlic
cloves, 2 dl water (From Lourdes will be better) a branch of thyme a branch
of Rosemary. Boil garlic in the water for 10 minutes, add thyme and rosemary
and infuse 10 more minutes (should not boil). This is the garlic soup, "Aigo
For Flu
An other truc
from my grand-ma for flu : A day before place an fresh egg in one lemon
juice (you may use a small glass as to cover the egg with lemon juice). Next
day broke the egg in the lemon juice and mix well add sugar or honey for a
better taste and drink all. Go to sleep in 80% of the case you are not sick
any more.
Onion Juice
Onion juice
also good for coughing: One onion, 50g candied sugar. Slice onion and mix
with sugar, place outside for several hours. The remaining juice will cure
coughing .
Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli
sprouts and broccoli may not tingle your taste buds but they contain
compounds which may raise the level of enzymes that detoxify carcinogenic
chemicals in the body and stimulate cancerous or precancerous cells to self
destruct. (Source: Sunday Times 21/2/99)
Dieting can
slow down memory . Women dieters almost always performed worse than
non-dieters in tests of memory and reaction speed according to the British
Institute of Food Research . (Source: Sunday Times 21/2/99)
Vegetables or Salads
People who
eat raw vegetables or salads three or four times a week, halve their risk of
getting heart disease and cancer . It makes no difference how much of meat
they eat. No specific food is certainly to cause any cancer . (Source:
Sunday Times 21/2/99).
The British
Medical Research Council found that heart attack sufferers who ate herring,
mackerel sardines or salmon twice a week cut by 29% their risk of dying
within two years. Oily fish is the richest source in Vitamin D while
vegetable oils are the best source of Vitamin E, both thought to be
protective against heart disease. (Source: Sunday Times 21/2/99).
at the Copenhagen University Hospital have reported that men who drank wine
on a monthly basis had a 16% lower incidence of stroke, while men who drank
wine on a weekly or daily basis had a 34% lower incidence of stroke.
Pasta, bread
and other food made from grain should remain the foundation of American’s
diet in nutritional guidelines being revised by US regulators. Grain foods
now occupy the biggest portion of the so-called "food pyramid" devised by
the US agricultural Department (USDA) to guide daily eating habits. Grains
are wholesome nutritious foods said to prevent chronic disease. (Source:
Business Times, 8th March 1999)
The ancient
Greeks first discovered the aphrodisiacal powers of asparagus. Asparagus is
eaten usually after steaming and dipping into a sauce of melted butter or
processed cheese. Make sure you only choose the tender young shoots of
asparagus since the tougher, older ones have the opposite affect to what you
are trying to achieve.
The sexually
stimulating powers of the banana are thrown away with the peel. The white
pithy substance under the skin contains the same hallucinogen found in magic
mushrooms. You can collect this by scraping it with a spoon before disposing
of the peel. To make an appetizing aphrodisiacal meal, serve baked bananas
and mix the juices with the scrapings. Flavor this dish with a little orange
juice or a lot of rum.
Onions Aphrodisiac?
Most cultures
have long appreciated the revitalizing powers of the onion. Egyptians banned
their celibate priests from eating onions because of the potential outcome.
The French used to take onion soup to newlyweds after their wedding night to
revive their libido.
Clinical depression usually involves one or more of the following symptoms
consistently for at least a two-week period: feelings of sadness,
hopelessness, or pessimism; lowered self-esteem and heightened
self-depreciation; a decrease or loss of ability to enjoy daily life;
reduced energy and vitality; slowness of thought or action; loss of
appetite; suicidal ideation; and disturbed sleep or insomnia. Depression
differs from simple grief or mourning, which are appropriate emotional
responses to the loss of loved persons or objects. Where there are clear
grounds for a person’s unhappiness, depression is considered to be present
if the depressed mood is disproportionately long or severe.
Depression is probably the most common psychiatric complaint; the rate of
incidence increases with age in men, while the peak for women is between the
ages of 35 and 45 (women in general suffer from depression more often than
men). Most professionals now agree that biological, social, and
psychological factors all contribute to depression. The chief biochemical
cause seems to be the defective regulation of the release of one or more
naturally occurring monoamines in the brain, particularly norepinephrine and
serotonin. Reduced quantities or reduced activity of these chemicals is
linked to depression. Treatment of depression has been a controversial topic
in recent years as new drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration. Many types of psychotherapy, both individual and group, are
used to treat depressed patients; the medications most often prescribed are
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which regulate serotonin. A
combination of psychotherapy and medication is generally the preferred
choice for treatment. Hospitalization may be necessary if a patient is
contemplating suicide. Although most depressed individuals are only mildly
suicidal, poorly monitored administration of medications may actually
increase the risk of suicide. The energizing effects of an anti-depressant
can empower patients to act on suicidal thoughts, whereas they previously
lacked the energy or will to do so; an inadequate or incomplete trial of a
medication has also been correlated with increased suicide rates. An
alternate or complementary approach to the treatment of depression involves
the use of self help techniques, including depression-oriented support
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